Tutoring, workshops, guided study periods, one-on-one counselling, peer mentorship, and teacher advisors are all available to promote your success at school, in academics and extracurriculars.
With classes averaging 15 students or fewer, Hudson teachers get to know every student and can differentiate to provide the right level of challenge and support, ensuring that every learner is engaged and achieving their best. Our teachers are passionate about their subject areas and communicate closely with families throughout the year.
Outside of daily study periods, students can seek help during lunch, after school and at dedicated clubs like Math Café. Course resources and work reviews are also posted on Google Classroom for easy access.
Students have a dedicated 90-minute study period in the fall and winter semesters to ask teachers for help, complete homework, study for a quiz, or catch up on reading. In Grade 9 and 10, one hour is guided by a specific teacher, and with the last 30 minutes allocated to independent study. This is an important way for learners to receive structured support, be more productive, learn to take the initiative, and form excellent communication habits.
Well-being is an integral part of the everyday student experience at Hudson. Layers of support include: a Mentorship Program for new students; teacher advisors through Hudson Houses; dedicated Grade 9 workshops on a range of topics, from study skills to conflict resolution; guest speakers on a variety of topics; wellness initiatives organized by students; and activities like the Mindfulness Club. Students stay active through PhysEd, House events, and competitive or intramural athletics. We’re also dedicated to maintaining a friendly, welcoming environment for all: no one has the right to interfere with another student’s learning. We ask students to express their individuality and self-advocate while always remaining respectful, and our team always works to promote mutual understanding and accountability when issues arise.
Our guidance office is here to provide you with academic, social and emotional support throughout your entire high school career. The door is always open, even for just a friendly chat!
Guidance creates Personal Education Plans for each student in alignment with their academic interests and goals. This plan evolves with shifting interests, annual course requirements, and any prerequisite courses needed for entry to the student’s desired post-secondary programs.
Students use myBlueprint, an education planning platform, to make informed decisions about course selections and explore career paths based on their interests, strengths, and skills. It’s also an excellent resource for tracking goals, financial planning, writing resumés, and building a strong student portfolio.
Teacher-Guidance collaboration is an essential part of student support, and our Head of Guidance works directly with teachers and families ensure specific student learning needs are accommodated effectively. This close communication provides teachers with a holistic understanding of each student’s learning profile and informs a student-centred instructional approach.
Post-secondary planning starts in Grade 9 with myBlueprint, continues with program research in Grade 10 and 11, and leads to application workshops and alumni insider panels in Grade 12. Guidance meets with students throughout the admission cycle to assist with program research, building strong applications for schools in Canada and abroad, and managing any anxiety around the process.